(603) 740 – 4062

Often times when people call with a “septic issue”, it is due to an unpleasant odor that they are smelling. One of the most expensive things that can be done is to have professionals searching for an issue before they can even fix it. So to save time and money, finding the issue to the best of your ability is advantageous.

First of all, if you are smelling something, try to identify the smell. There are times when a skunk den is nearby, and sometimes people mistake that smell for effluent from a septic system.

Also, are there any farms within 5 miles? When they spread their manure, that smell can travel quite a ways. Even if you have a neighbor with pets or animals, if the wind catches it just right it can carry that smell through an open window and right into your home.

So if you have ruled out external issues, start checking where and when you smell it the most. Do you smell it in your basement? Do you smell it in your yard? How about in your bathroom?

If the smell is inside your home, then likely it is something the average plumber can handle. If it is outside, then some exploration of the issue may be needed. Look for wet spots, dark soil, or other issues that may show where there could be a leak or pooling effluent.

As always, contact us to have a full septic system evaluation.