(603) 740 – 4062

Have you ever been looking at a property to buy and wondered where the septic system is? Well, you are not alone. Even experienced septic inspectors sometimes have trouble located the tank, D-box, and leach field sometimes – because we don’t have x-ray vision.

At the same time, there are many tell-tale signs as to where certain parts of your system are. For instance, if the weather is warm, look at the grass. Generall the grass over the leach field will be greener… for obvious reasons that we won’t get into. In the winter time, there can even be slightly less snow there because it is generally getting a regular flow of above-freezing water going through it.

Similar indications exist for your septic tank and D-box in some instances. But for those components, it is better to look at the lay of the land. For most homes, the tank will be about 10′ away from the home in line with a plumbing vent pipe coming out of your roof. Then look for unusual flat spots or slightly raised areas that could indicate a tank.

Still having trouble? Contact us and we will be happy to help!