(603) 740 – 4062

OK, so a sump pump is not part of your septic system (or at least it shouldn’t be) but they are an important part of your home. They are first in the line of defense when it comes to water in your home.

Unfortunately, maintaining a sump pump is not high on most people’s list in life. Most home owners tend to use it until it dies and then get a new one. But if you want to avoid a bad situation, maintenance is key.

Maintenance – Below, we have listed some simple maintenance tips;

  • When checking the sump pump, inspectors should look closely at the float to ensure that it isn’t jammed into place. If this is the case, it becomes ineffective because it will not activate and deactivate with the fluctuations of the water levels.
  • If the sump pump is to continue working into the future, it should be kept clean. Of course, there is an inlet to prevent dirt from entering the device but this should still be checked. For a longer life, a simple cleaning process should be followed regularly.
  • On the whole, around once a year should be enough before a final check when selling the home.
  • To test, simply pour a little water into the trench to see whether or not the pump kicks into action and removes the water. If there is a problem, a professional service can then be contacted.
  • At all times, stay clear of the pit; prevent sticking hands in to check the float. Instead, use an everyday item such as a golf club (using the rubber handle) as long as it is non-conducive.