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There are a variety of factors that can lead to sewer gas leaks. If you smell sewer gases in your home, it’s very important to have this checked out. Why? Well apart from the noticeable bad smell, sewer gas can present a serious health risk to the home’s occupants. As well as the bad odor, there is also a risk of fire or explosion, asphyxiation from sewer gases that displace the oxygen in the home and even hydrogen sulfide poisoning, which can be extremely dangerous.

What are some of the reasons that sewer gas can start to leak into the home? This can be due to failures in the plumbing system that then allow sewer gases to flow back into the home. When plumbing fixtures dry out, traps can become dry and the water barrier that normally prevents gas from flowing back up is lost. This will usually happen if toilets, showers and sinks etc. are not used very often. This can also occur during periods of dry weather.

Another source of sewer gas leak is when cracks form in the plumbing drain line or vent pipes. Vent pipe cracks, though, can be quite hard to identify but they can cause a lot of sewer gas to vent into a house. Other cracks that can cause sewer gas leaks are those found in the home’s foundations. Wind flow and the air around the home can also permit sewer gas to enter the home. You might find this happening also if plumbing vents have been installed too close air intakes.

Yes, there is a number of different reasons why sewer gases might leak into your home, but the important thing is to get it checked out by a plumber who can find the problem.