The lowly water heater is rarely thought of by many homeowners until they happen to step in to an icy shower some fateful morning. A few water heaters make a more dramatic rembrance, by exploding! By learning a few things about the mechanics of a water heater you should be able to ensure a long lasting hot water supply and avoid a potential bomb.
According to most manufacturers, relief valves should be periodically tested every six to twelve months by lifting the manual release lever on the TPR valve. I should caution you that in an older tank, testing the TPR valve might actually cause the seat to crack or some built up calcium might become lodged causing the seat not to close and start dripping. A TPR valve in good working order is very necessary to ensure home safety. Water heaters can become bombs if the water pressure gets too high and a TPR valve does not function as designed. A sticky or defective valve can allow tank pressure to build to the point of explosion. If you turn on your hot water and air comes out and or you hear gurgling you might have the first warning signs that your tank is “boiling hot” and unsafe.