Water Heater Drip

“Why is water dripping from the discharge tube of my water heater?” This tube is located on the outside of the water heater down line from the temperature pressure relief valve. This is also known as the TPR valve, pop off valve or relief valve. The TPR valve is...

Water Heater Bad Smell

There are certain questions a home inspector frequently gets regarding the water heater. One question is, “Why do I have a ‘rotten egg smell’ coming from the hot water tap?” To understand the problem you must understand the mechanics. In the top of the tank is the...

Exploding Water Heater

The lowly water heater is rarely thought of by many homeowners until they happen to step in to an icy shower some fateful morning. A few water heaters make a more dramatic rembrance, by exploding! By learning a few things about the mechanics of a water heater you...

Pesticides – Use Them Safely

Pesticides have been around for a long time, and in some cases they have proven to be very dangerous to human health. Today, there are pesticides that are fairly harmless to humans and are still getting the job done, but others that warrant extreme caution in...

Well Water

There are many homeowners that have a private well. This could be due to not being connected to the public water system, or it could be by choice, but many times the assumption is that the water from a well is better than the water in the public system. Is this true?...