(603) 740 – 4062

Orangeburg Piping

Orangeburg Piping

Orangeburg piping is fibrous piping that was manufactured and used for a little over 100 years - all the way up until the 70's. This type of piping got its name from being manufactured by the Orangeburg Manufacturing Company. So why are we talking about Orangeburg...

Is Your Sewage Going Where it Should Be?

Is Your Sewage Going Where it Should Be?

When we run our sinks and flush our toilets, we take for granted that they are going to our septic system. But is that where your sewage actually going? As surprising as it may sound in this day and age, many septic systems are found to be either leaking sewage, or...

Water Softeners and Your Septic System

Water Softeners and Your Septic System

Do you have a water softener? Many of us do - especially if you have a well. But there are some things to consider when having a water softener when it comes to your septic system. Water softeners basically run on mineral replacement. In other words, it uses salt to...

Wet Leach Fields

Wet Leach Fields

When it comes to your septic system, one of the most critical (and expensive) parts is the leach field. This part of your septic system takes the liquid from your tank and gently releases it into the ground. But what does it mean if you walk outside and your leach...

Ask Your Septic Inspector!

Ask Your Septic Inspector!

Have a septic system related question? Need answers now and Google is not specific enough for you? Whether you are a previous client or someone who just happen to find our website, feel free to fill out the form below and get your question answered in a timely manner!...

The Dangers of Open Septic Tanks

The Dangers of Open Septic Tanks

One of the most dangerous things about our job as a septic system inspector is open tanks. Why is that? Well, it is obviously the danger of falling in. But it is not just that - it is the situation too. Most of the time when we are inspecting a septic system, our...

Health Tips for Your Septic System

Health Tips for Your Septic System

In order to keep your system in good condition, we have some essential tips for maintenance. If you have any hazardous waste, do not throw them down the toilet or in sinks. After locating your septic tank as well as the drainfield, have records that hold drawings of...

The Septic System Process

The Septic System Process

Often, there are misconceptions regarding the septic system but the process involved is actually very easy. Essentially, there are four main sections - the tank, drainfield, soil, and a pipe that runs from the home. In the soil, small microbes are found and these will...