Water Inspection Services
Water purity and well yield testing is a vital part of keeping you, your family, and any occupants of a building safe and healthy. Every year thousands of people become sick from their drinking water – often from easily preventable issues.
Many times when doing a water purity test the common things that show up are coliform bacteria and e-coli. Both of those issues are not only common, but very treatable. However, without having your water properly tested, these bacteria can cause lasting health effects that could plague a person for years.
In addition to those water purity issues, there are others that are common as well. For example arsenic, lead, nitrates, and any number of other contaminants. Be sure to have your well water tested by a qualified professional such as Russell Inspection Services LLC. We will be happy to provide you with an accurate and comprehensive water analysis on your home or building.

What Standards Do We Use?

The EPA sets water quality standards that public drinking water supplies must meet. Private wells are not regulated, but the EPA standards are widely “recommended”. There are primary standards, which are related to health, and secondary standards, which pertain to aesthetic qualities of the water, like taste or staining characteristics.
The general quality of your water can be determined by comparing your water’s value to the recommended value in your report. If your water’s value exceeds the recommended concentration, you might consider ways to filter or clean up the water. While we do not offer water filter installation, we provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision regarding the possible use of a water filter.