Your Septic System And Your Responsibility
Nowadays, not enough people realize that they are responsible for their own septic system. By maintaining the septic system, you will be protecting your asset and investment because they come as one. On a regular basis, you will need to have your system inspected and...
Preventing Damage To A Septic System
In truth, preventing damage to a septic system can be fairly easy and we have three simple tips for you here today; Keep all vehicles away from your septic system as the heavy weight can impact the soil as can the fumes. When the soil is compressed, the pipes can be...
Why Should You Maintain Your Septic System
People tend to ask why they should be maintaining their septic system but the answer is simple - because you want to save money in the long run. When a septic system falters or fails, the repairs can be expensive and a replacement will cost even more. Seeing as though...
Locating The D-Box
Here's another example of why it's so important to located and open the D-Box during a septic inspection. In this case I inspected a 30 year old stone and pipe system in Pittsfield NH. The treatment tank was in good condition as was the EDA. When I located the D-Box...
Effingham NH Septic Inspections
The following pictures are from an 1800's farm house in Effingham NH. Inside has been completely remodeled (no permits of course). Located the treatment tank just beyond the kitchen window and it was just below grade. Everything looked good at the tank so I moved on...
Dangerous Tank Covers
Another example of a dangerous tank cover. This system services an old camp in Alton Bay NH and has not been maintained in many years. The deteriorated tank cover is 3 inches below grade and in the middle of the front walkway. Old deteriorated tank covers such as the...
Barnstead New Hampshire Septic Inspection
The following pictures are from a Barnstead New Hampshire septic inspection. This system was installed in 1962 and still had the 250 gallon steel drum for a treatment tank in service. Part of my septic inspection includes a record search of the town and NH DES. I...
Concrete Drywells
Here is a good example of a drywell type system. These systems were usually constructed using a concrete treatment tank with concrete blocks making up the effluent disposal area. This particular drywell was made up of cinder blocks positioned around natural boulders,...
Fabric Based Septic System Inspection
Below are photographs of an inspection I did on a fabric based system. This system was in use part time and is 11 years old. As can be seen in the images this system was in excellent condition and will, with proper care, continue to service this house. My...
Flooded Pump System
A pump system is something that is often found on septic systems here in New Hampshire. These systems need regular maintenance and can be very costly to repair. Below are some images from a failed pump system inspection: